About Us

The ethos of FAIR is freedom for the addict from active addiction.

FAIR Logo Explained

The logo for FAIR represents the whole nation and communities coming together to lift the Suffering Addict/Alcoholic out of Addiction

The main figure in the middle of the logo represents the Addict/Alcoholic being lifted out of addiction. The blue hands are the caring hands of the nation and individual communities lifting up the main figure. The two figures coming out of the hands and at the sides of the main figure represent the recovering Addict/Alcoholic and the public coming together. This is to spread the message that together within our families, our communities and as a nation as a whole, we can recover from addiction.


How will the Funding work through FAIR?
FAIR is not going to be completely reliant on funding from organisations and donations. However we will apply for funding where possible and we will accept donations to help fund the suffering Addict/Alcoholic into recovery.
At FAIR we will be working on the ethos of for the Addict by the Addict and raising funds through street charity work, charity events and any means possible to put a pound in the pot.
The vision of FAIR is every Recovering Addict/Alcoholic raising funds for every suffering Addict/Alcoholic that is in the madness of Addiction and we also see families and friends doing the same through the fact they have a gratitude for what recovery has done for their loved ones and family.  
  All funds raised or donated will go into a funding pot and then anyone or any organisations that works with those that suffer from Addiction can apply to get funding for their service user.

Who will be able to access the funding pot?
  • Addiction Recovery organisations and centres
  • Recovery out-reach workers
  • Homeless shelters and hostels working with addiction based service users
  • Churches and faith based centres working with Addicts/Alcoholics
  • Home detox funding

Spreading The Message

FAIR will also see recovering Addicts and Alcoholics out on the streets of the UK raising the awareness of Addiction and educating the public on the true nature of what the Addict/Alcoholic suffers from, which is the illness of Addiction.
People are dying from Addiction everyday and there is a lack of empathy in this country towards the suffering Addict/Alcoholic due to a lack of education of what Addiction truly is and a lack of understanding of how hard it is to escape once addicted.
Whilst spreading the message to the public we will also be spreading the message of recovery to those on the streets by being a visual message of hope within the towns and cities of the UK.

UK, HEAR THE MESSAGE - Hate the illness not the addict

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